How to have an enjoyable night at the Tri-Way Drive-In Theatre:
- 1. Arrive Early especially on Friday and Saturday night.
Gates open at about 7 PM EDT.
- 2. To speed up the ticket line, we prefer cash for your admission. Please know what you would like to see as your first feature before you get to the ticket window. There is only one transaction per vehicle, and you cannot pay for another vehicle behind you. This needs to be a separate transaction.
- 3. Once you are inside the drive-in theatre and parked (please remember to park close enough to a pole so that another vehicle can fit next to you), go into the concession line and have planned what you would like to order. Don't wait till the picture starts on the screen and go inside the concession stand to get your food. Our concession stand is compared to a fast food restaurant trying to take care of 2 bus loads of kids in a very short period of time.
You need to avoid showing up at the last minute (I.e. within 15 minutes of when the movie is scheduled to start). This is a recipe for a disastrous night !